Posted by Anita on 06.23.08 11:16 AM
Here we are at the first week of summer, and I still haven’t rolled out the Locavore Pantry page I promised you months ago. But despite my best intentions, WordPress is making the formatting way too difficult — and I want this to be a resource you can actually use, not just a mish-mash of names and locations.
In the meantime, don’t forget that there’s another great resource to help with your One Local Summer and other local-eating challenges: The Bay Area Local Food Guide. We swooned over last year’s version, and I’m sure the 2008 edition will be even bigger and better.
If you want to be among the first to get your hands on a copy, join CAFF this Thursday evening, July JUNE 26, at the launch party out at Fort Mason Center. Your $30 ticket (click to purchase) gets you admission to the soirée, including plentiful food and wine tastings from some of the better-known guide participants — Chez Panisse, Serpentine, Murray Circle, Bi-Rite Creamery, Acme, Fra’Mani among many others — plus a local-food panel moderated by Bill Fujimoto of the legendary Monterey Market, and a delicious dessert.
Come out and meet some of the area’s best farmers, restaurateurs, vintners, and food artisans all in one place, ready to answer your questions and provide samples of their favorite offerings.
locavore, news

Posted by Anita on 10.20.06 10:57 PM
Krispy Kreme‘s got a pumpkin spice cake doughnut on offer for the holidays, plus — so cute it’s almost scary — pumpkin-shaped raised glazed with ‘ittle Jack-o-Lantern faces (pictured at right) through the end of the month. Awww!
Hot on the heels of their “$6,000 combo meal” TV spot, the fast-food hucksters at KCE/Hardee’s (that’s Carl’s Jr. to us West Coasters) released a list of suggested wine pairings for their speciality sandwiches. Perhaps monsieur would care for a bottle of Peachy Canyon Incredible Red with his Jalapeño Thickburger?
Or perhaps a bottle of bubbly? Perrier’s launching a new campaign aimed at the younger set, going for that edgy thing in an attempt to ditch its Miami Vice-era aura.
I’m still reeling from their purchase of Sharffen Berger, so please forgive me if I don’t seem happy about Hershey’s buying up Oregon’s Dagoba Organic Chocolate.
News of the wierd: Until last week, the world’s largest curry house was located in West Yorkshire, of all places. Hard to imagine that it’s gone out of business, innit?
Another shocker: The Amish don’t want your flippin’ food stamps!
breakfast, drinks, levity, news, other stuff, shopping, wine & bubbly
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Posted by Cameron on 09.15.06 10:12 AM
I guess it’s nice to see the good ol’ U-S-of-A getting into the spirit of Noche del Grito, but perhaps food-borne illness caused by raw vegetables isn’t the best Mexican tradition to adopt.
All kidding aside, pass the word. The FDA has issued a warning that bagged fresh spinach may be the cause of an E. coli outbreak. More details in the NYT story.
news, shopping
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Posted by Anita on 09.12.06 1:52 PM
Seems like today’s a big food-news day, and I couldn’t resist sharing some of the headlines.
Another hilarious coffee-related news article from Seattle: Baristas having a cow over dairy “thefts”.
The AP latches onto a blogosphere favorite: Waiters get miffed about the unfairness of tipping.
Do we need smart linen? The Chron reports on a new high-tech, E. coli-detecting napkin.
And apparently they’re eating raw crabs in The OC… and getting really sick.
coffee & tea, geekery, news, restaurants, Seattle, SoCal
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