Confession time

Posted by Anita on 08.09.06 12:01 AM

So… here’s the deal: We’re doing this food-blogging thing in a vacuum. Sure, we read a couple of food blogs written by friends — hi Sean, hi Matthew! — but frankly the world of food blogging used to seem a little redundant to our other culinary life online — we got all the stimulus we needed from sites like eGullet and MouthfulsFood.

Once we dropped off the food communities, the blog seemed like a great place to stash those scribblings that just can’t be left unwritten, the photos that must be shared. But even when the blog occasionally gets interactive via comments, it’s still not enough input to feed my media jones. And the NYT Food Section only comes out once a week.

I’m sure it comes as no surprise to anyone (my naive self included) that there are something close to, oh, a bajillion food blogs out there, and I have no idea where to start! So, I wanna hear about your must-read food, cooking, dining and drinking blogs. Which do you read first, before all the rest?

(And yeah, I know… I can’t believe a vegan blog won the Bloggie, either.)

food boards, geekery, other blogs
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Geek cakes, part deux

Posted by Anita on 08.08.06 10:49 AM

Treo cakeI’ll see your meat cake …and raise you a Treo.

The only inanimate thing I love as much as food is my Treo 650. So imagine my amusement when a coworker sent me a link to Engadget’s Birthday Cake Contest. All of the cakes were pretty cool, but the winning entry — a “working” Treo 650 cake, complete with video screen, SD card, functional buttons, and sound — is pretty amazing, both as a pastry project and as geek fetish.

Don’t miss the video.

baking, geekery, levity
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Shameless Yelp-promotion

Posted by Anita on 08.04.06 7:24 AM

reviewofthedayIn the process of moving my content off of MouthfulsFood and eGullet, I put a few appropriate snippets onto Yelp — figuring that their Seattle content needs all the help it can get. Much to my amusement, my writeup of La Carta de Oaxaca has been voted Review of the Day in Seattle.

For those of you in Seattle, this is great news: Yelp’s still a wild frontier up there, where even moderately well-written stuff gets noticed and appreciated. Go forth and Yelpify!

food boards, geekery, Seattle
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Pantry raid!

Posted by Anita on 11.15.05 5:42 PM

pantry containers (c)2006 AECEvery time I open my pantry, I get a huge kick out of this.

It cost me almost $150 (for the containers — the shelf is three levels deep), but my dry goods are now bug-proof, spill-proof, and organized. I swear, nothing has made me this happy in months.

baking, geekery, kitchen