More, more, more
As if our constant prattling here on our own site wasn’t more than enough to keep you occupied, we’re happy to announce a few other places around the Interwebs where you can see more of our content.
Later this month, I’ll begin a regular column for Hearst’s new sustainable-living site, The Daily Green. (The site’s technically still in soft-launch mode, so be gentle.) I already work with words in my ‘real job’, so I’d never really felt the need to pursue new outlets for my writing. But I’ll admit I was swayed by the idea of rubbing elbows with some folks whose work I greatly admire: TDG’s other “New Green Cuisine” bloggers include James MacKinnon & Alisa Smith — the 100 Mile Diet / Plenty folks — and food watchdog extraordinare Marion Nestle.
The column I’ll be writing for The Daily Green will be a roundup of Sustainable, Organic, Local, Ethical eating tips called “SOLE Food Digest”, a weekly collection that aims to show readers how to tread lightly and still enjoy what they’re eating. I’ll be recapping and linking off to as many inspiring posts as I can find. No wonky policy discussions, no alarmist scary-food nightmares — just links to constructive tips, seasonal recipes, and stories about encouraging changes in our food supply… green-eating inspiration with a can-do spin.
I hope SOLE Food Digest will become the perfect jumping-off point folks who are just starting down the SOLE path, and for old-time ethical eaters looking for a lighter touch. (I’ll post a link as soon as it’s live, hopefully on or soon after Earth Day.)
I’m also tickled to tell you that the good folks at CUESA — they run the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market, among other great locavore resources — have asked me to contribute photos to their newsletter and site. Those pasture-raised eggs in the banner of the March edition of the CUESA Weekly E-Letter are mine; look for my “married with dinner” photo byline, and more of my photos in upcoming editions of the newsletter, and also on the CUESA homepage in the coming months.
A little further afield: Cameron and I are joining 30 or so of the world’s favorite drink bloggers to produce the Tales of the Cocktail blog. All of us will be live-blogging from New Orleans in July, of course, but you won’t want to wait to put the Tales blog in your RSS reader. There’ll be plenty of pre-event posts covering all sorts of topics that are sure to pique your interest, even if you’re not planning to attend the year’s most anticipated cocktail event. And if you are joining us in New Orleans, don’t forget to head over to the main Tales of the Cocktail site, where tickets
have just gone on sale will go on sale real soon now, and discount ($99!) rooms are available for the show hotel, the venerable Hotel Monteleone.
And last but not least… I’m assured that this is not just some elaborate April Fool’s Day joke: Our post about Armandino’s Salumi is featured rather extensively in the Internet Explorer 8 Activities demo. We have no idea how this happened, and the irony is not lost on us that we’re diehard Firefox/Mac fans here at Married with Dinner HQ.
Comment by Gillian
Anita, I look forward to reading SOLE. MWD is one of my must-reads every week. I’m sure SOLE will be too.
Posted on 04.02.08 at 7:08AM
Comment by Kalyn
Great to hear that you’re getting all these writing opportunities. Look forward to that column in The Daily Green, both the blog and your column sound interesting.
Posted on 04.02.08 at 7:18AM
Comment by Eugenia
Congratulations! Your cocktails will be a splendid addition to Tales. I like the “ethical but still tasty” slant of SOLE (but I have to say I’m a bit unsettled by one bug on the site that says “false” every time I click a link — surely it’s sponsored by the fast food industry).
Posted on 04.02.08 at 8:12AM
Comment by Jennifer Jeffrey
Congratulations + Hurray! You’re going to win a bunch of fabulous new fans with all of your upcoming work.
Posted on 04.02.08 at 10:03AM
Comment by Lauren
Wow! MwD is all over the place these days! That is fantastic. I’m very happy for you.
I really want to go to Tales of the Cocktail this year – who knows – maybe we can fit it in……..
Posted on 04.02.08 at 10:04AM
Comment by cookiecrumb
Can’t wait for your SOLE column. Un-scoldy, tasty and loving.
Posted on 04.02.08 at 11:14AM
Comment by Jan
Well done! More good food and drink reading for all of us!
Posted on 04.02.08 at 3:00PM
Comment by Steve Sando
i can’t think of anyone who deserves to be “discovered” than you. You’re clever, have good taste and you’re thoughtful. You deserve this new gig, and much more.
Posted on 04.02.08 at 3:54PM
Comment by AppetiteforChina
Congratulations on all your new writing gigs!
Posted on 04.02.08 at 6:47PM
Comment by Tartelette
I was getting to wonder how long before somebody or many bodies would pick up on your writing! I am so happy for you guys, these current opportunities and the many more to come your way!!
Posted on 04.02.08 at 9:44PM
Comment by Lisa (Homesick Texan)
I can’t wait to start reading your weekly Daily Green column. Congrats! You’re in excellent company!
Posted on 04.03.08 at 9:30AM
Comment by Michael
May order a bit more please…great work!
Posted on 04.04.08 at 1:25AM
Comment by Jennifer Hess
Congrats to you! This is wonderful news and I’m adding SOLE Food Digest and the Tales blog to Bloglines as we speak (type).
Posted on 04.04.08 at 9:28AM
Comment by Denise and Lenny
These both sound great. I am going to sign up for them now. We are trying to get our entire house and our entire business GREEN! As well, we are always looking for some new cocktails to pour into our bodies! Great writing Anita!
Posted on 04.07.08 at 11:00AM