DOTW: Prado
When we visit Seattle, we always head straight from the airport to the bar at the Zig Zag Cafe. Our drinking patterns are possibly the worst-kept secret in the modern world, and so try as we might to keep first-Seattle-nights to ourselves, our friends often have other plans for us.
And so it came to pass that last Friday, while you all were sipping Cosmimosas with Sean, we were sampling a number (and a rather large number, I must confess) of flawless Murray Stenson cocktails with a rolling roster of the Seattle crew. We bumped into Wendy and Dayne on our way into the bar, and soon their friend Della and her fiance found two stools at the bar. Then, just as Wendy and Dayne headed home for the night, none other than Rocky showed up, followed closely by Jason. As you might expect with a group this cocktail-obsessed, we ended up sampling a serious portion of the drinks on the seasonal menu, plus a number of specials that Murray concocted, and a few old standbys.
We’ll get to all of the drinks in due time, I assure you, but — in case it’s escaped your notice on dozens of other blogs today — Saturday is Cinco de Mayo, so I couldn’t resist sharing a tequila cocktail. The Prado, which graces the current drinks list at the Zig Zag, shares many traits with that most famous of all Mexican cocktails, but the maraschino lends a Continental flair.
1-1/2 oz. tequila
3/4 oz. fresh lime juice
1/2 egg white
1/2 oz. maraschino liqueur
Shake with ice, and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
The Prado is our first entry into this month’s Mixology Monday. (Cameron’s planning to post another, closer to the actual day.) Over at My Bar, Your Bar, our host Matt is gathering tequila-based cocktails from far and wide. Be sure to head over to his place on the 15th, where he’ll be posting a roundup of all the entries.
Comment by Lauren
Note to self, never order a tequila drink unless Murray is behind the bar. We tried one of these on Saturday and it was, how should I say…..less than thrilling. I might even go as far as to call it kind of gross. Ben is good – but he’s no Murray!
Posted on 05.07.07 at 11:48AM
Comment by Robert Heugel
So mark the Prado off the list of possibilities for my debut MxMo. I guess this is the benefit of doing it early! Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog the other day; I finally got a chance to respond to your comments. I am going to get to go to Zig Zag this summer; so much hype about it in the online community; can’t wait!
Posted on 05.08.07 at 12:12AM
Comment by L
so sorry I missed you guys when you were here… it’s just been a bit nutty for the last few weeks.
I love zig-zag, but don’t get there nearly enough…
Posted on 05.14.07 at 2:02PM
Comment by Anita
Lauren: Yeah, in any other city, Ben & Kacy would be the top bartenders in town, but they can’t hold a candle to Mister S.
Robert: Ooops, sorry. Although I’m glad I can’t wait to see what you stir up.
L: Fret not! We keep turning up in Seattle… like a bad penny. There will be another time
Posted on 05.14.07 at 2:25PM
Pingback by The Cocktail Chronicles » Blog Archive » MxMo XV: Tequila
[…] But thanks to Matt over at My Bar, Your Bar, our gracious host for this round of Mixology Monday, I’ve been forced to start exploring the world of tequila, with mostly positive results. I’ll skip over my experiments with sangrita recipes — Jimmy nailed a good one a couple of rounds back — and the lovely Prado — which Anita already mixed up for this round — and cut right to two newish tequila cocktails that seemed promising: the Sangre de Agave and the Rosebud. […]
Posted on 05.14.07 at 11:26PM
Pingback by Tequila Monday! at My Bar, Your Bar
[…] So let’s start with the one-two punch of Anita and Cameron over at Married…with dinner. First up is Anita with the The Prado, where she divulges their not-so-secret Seattle drinking ritual and entices us with a tart and frothy tequila classic. Cameron delivers punch two with a twist on an old standby and gives us the Tequila and Tonic, and throws in a tonic tasting to boot! […]
Posted on 05.17.07 at 7:27PM
Comment by Dr. Bamboo
Delicious-sounding recipe! Maraschino liqueur is pretty much impossible to find where I live, but I’m going to try to get some ASAP.
Posted on 05.18.07 at 9:03AM
Pingback by The Cocktail Chronicles » 30/30, #27: the Prado
[…] No history behind this one that I know of, other than that it appears in Jones’ Complete Bar Guide by Stan Jones — go ahead, check out the link — from 1977, and that it’s been in regular circulation at Zig Zag for god knows how long (and that Anita clued in to the wonders of this drink way back in ought-seven). What I do know is: […]
Posted on 05.13.09 at 11:04PM