
Posted by Anita on 07.03.05 2:05 PM

All of these from the same table last night, sitting next to us at Blue Plate:

Diner: “What’s this guanciale stuff?” [fair question, so far]
Server: “It’s the cured jowl of the pig.”
Diner: “Ew, OK, I’m gonna not let that freak me out.”

He proceeded to order the dish in question, then muttered through the whole meal how he didn’t know his dish was going to have BACON in it.

Two other gems:

“Tuna loin?! How can a fish have a loin?” (while smirking and gesturing to his crotch)

“Halibut cheeks? Who would want to eat cheeks. And, aren’t they kinda small?”

And then at the very end of the meal, he pronounced his dinner “the absolute best meal I have ever eaten.” Uh, dude, you need to get out more often.

levity, restaurants
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