DOTW: Jolly Roger

Posted by Anita on 09.19.06 7:56 AM

jolly roger (c)2006 AECMatey, don’ tell me ye din’t knows today were Talk Like a Pirate Day?? Avast!

In honor of this fair occasion, Drink o’ the Week be moving to Tuesday. We raise ye a fyne tipple from Sir Rrrrobert of Hess.

Jolly Roger
2 ounces dark rum
1 ounce orange juice
1/4 ounce Falernum (or simple syrup)
dash of bitters

Shake with ice, and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with an orange twist.

Drink of the Week, drinks, holidays & occasions, levity, recipes


Culinary Resolutions 2006

Posted by Anita on 12.15.05 1:54 PM

Originally posted as part of eGullet’s Culinary Resolutions thread

In 2006, I will eat… more food that I can trace to its source.

I will make… time for entertaining friends at home.

I will find… a talented architect to remodel my kitchen.

I will learn… where to find better lunch possibilities near my office, and not just lazily fill my belly with convenient crap.

I will teach… the basics to my friends who want to learn to make Thai food.

I will read…. cookbooks from the library before I buy them, to keep my media budget sane.

This is the year I will try… to cook at least one new recipe a week.

I will taste… , at least once, anything that’s put in front of me, no matter how ‘weird’.

I will use… my new smoker (you know, the one I hope to get for my birthday) often enough to justify its purchase.

I will give… my time to the food bank, and not just when my company gives me time off to do it.

I… will fill my new garden with as many edible plants as possible.

We… will finally take our long-awaited culinary tour of Thailand.

My kids… are dogs, so their culinary needs are relatively simple.

cookbooks, food boards, garden, holidays & occasions, kitchen, Thai, travel
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Soup of the Fortnight: Turkey

Posted by Anita on 11.26.05 3:53 PM

turkey stock (c)2006 AECWe made turkey stock today, here at my mom’s house. It was a 22-pound bird, so we ended up with a lot of very rich stock.

I’ve set aside a half-gallon in the freezer that I’ll bring home with me on the plane on Monday, along with some of the meat we pulled off the carcass. So, even if we don’t get a chance to make soup while we’re here, we’ll probably squeak a soup in right at the end of the fortnight once we get home.

family, holidays & occasions, recipes, Soup o' the Fortnight
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